by Congo | Jun 15, 2016 | Congo Today
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo received a donation from the International Development Association (IDA) under the Additional Financing for Supply Project Drinking Water in Urban Areas (PEMU) and intends to use a part of the sums granted to finance...
by Congo | Jun 30, 2017 | Social Struggles
All patriots know that our country today is still under the domination of the forces of evil. At present, these negative forces are challenging the very existence of our nation. These enemies of the Congolese people and of its independence are recruited both outside...
by Congo | Dec 27, 2016 | Congo Today
Pope Francis appeals for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo following the killing of protesters demonstrating against President Joseph Kabila in several cities across the country. After meeting recently with the heads of the Congolese Bishops’ Conference, the...