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March 5, 2016 at 4:30 pm #742
The Jornal de Angola denounces today, in an editorial, the “instrumentalization of the Portuguese Justice” to “throw mud” the name of Angolan officials, referring specifically to research involving the Vice President,Manuel Vicente.
“After so much failure, they return this time to affect the honor, good name, the image and reputation of the vice president of Angola, seeking to involve him in another so many corruption scandal that cross Portugal today andEurope and reveal the state of immorality and lack of integrity worrying note that in some circles of the old continent, “says the editorial in the state-run newspaper.
Titled “Revenge of settler,” the editorial states that “after the failed devices of military destabilization and war” and that “after losing in the field of elections” and “fail in the banking and economic field”, the “leaders offormer colonial power now manipulate the corridors of Justice to try to get his agenda of neo-colonization “.
The vice president of Angola, Manuel Vicente, said on Wednesday in a statement to be “completely oblivious to hiring” the attorney Orlando Figueira, the private sector, as well as “any payments” allegedly that magistrate benefited.
“I am completely oblivious in particular the hiring of a prosecutor Portuguese for functions in the private sector, as well as any payment that is said to have benefited, as media reports, allegedly by a company with which I had notany kind of relationship, and it was not and never was a subsidiary of Sonangol, “he said.
The current vice-president of Angola reacted to the news about his alleged involvement in the facts related to the investigation of “Fizz operation” conducted by Portuguese judicial authorities, which led to the arrest and remand of Orlando Figueira, former prosecutor of the Central DepartmentInvestigation and Penal Action (DCIAP).
In the same statement sent to Lusa, Manuel Vicente, former president of Sonangol, said that their involvement in the Portuguese investigation “has therefore no basis” but expressed his “fully available to clarify the facts (…)in order to put an end to any suspicion. “
Manuel Vicente added that the reports in the media about his alleged involvement in the “Fizz operation” are not true and “seriously undermine” against his good name, honor, image and reputation.
“The reaction of great dignity Manuel Vicente due to the new campaign against him was thrown by the Portuguese media, responding effectively to allegations of ‘Operation Fizz’ circulated by the Attorney General of the Republic of Portugal and expressing its willingness toclarify facts attributed to him is enough to understand this new episode as another example, both the lack of modesty, as the Portuguese revanchism, “reads the editorial in the Jornal de Angola.
The text also claims “uncured repressions and need urgent psychoanalytic treatment” to conclude that the “reasons why the Portuguese judiciary to let corrupt by half a dozen pennies are to be found in the generalized system of clientelism and the type of moral relationsand cultural historically deployed in Portuguese life. “
March 5, 2016 at 4:41 pm #746The technical-material and human conditions are created for the academic year 2017 will start this Monday, March 7, at the top polytechnic school of Mbanza Congo, northern Zaire province.
The guarantee was given on Saturday to ANGOP, the deputy dean for academic area, Cecilia Chibinda, adding that the institution enrolled 386 new students who joined the thousand and 685 former students.
Academic informed that, for the moment, the school has 35 teachers, among national and foreign (Cuban).The higher education institution, which exists since 2010, is part of the third academic area of the university on November 11, based in Cabinda province.
Courses as teaching Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology and Business Management are taught in this institution, which meets in three shifts, morning, afternoon and after work.
The fact that most teachers (national) be in the condition of employees was appointed as the great difficulty.
March 5, 2016 at 4:57 pm #748March 5, 2016 at 6:16 pm #772Study French researchers proved that this African region is inhabited since prehistoric times.But it was in the fifteenth century that began to write in more detail the lines of development of this country.
The Portuguese Diogo Cao sailed to the territory that is now Angola.The date of arrival is not consensual: there are historians who claim that have been in 1482 and others who claim it was in 1484.
The first measure of the Portuguese was to establish an alliance with the Kingdom of Congo, which dominated the entire region.The South of this kingdom also existed the Kingdom of Ndongo and the Kingdom of Matamba, which then were to merge, to give the Kingdom of Angola, in 1559.
Paulo Dias de Novais was the first Governor of Angola.Novais sought to define this vast territory and exploit their natural resources.In 1576, São Paulo da Assunção de Luanda, the current city of Luanda, was founded.
The war that seemed to have no end
In the twentieth century, in the early 1960s, three liberation movements (UPA / FNLA, MPLA and UNITA) started an armed struggle against the Portuguese colonialism.
The Government of Portugal, led by Salazar refused to dialogue with the leaders of these organizations and continued to defend the colony to the limit.Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were mobilized for combat.
This fight lasted until the 25th of April 1974 when the Portuguese dictatorship was overthrown by the “Carnation Revolution”.The independence of Angola in 1975 did not end the war, which won international boundaries, since the three movements were supported by foreign powers, such as Russia, Cuba, South Africa, Zaire, China, USA and England.
Despite the declaration of independence, the internal conflict lasted until the early 1990s the end of April this year, the Angolan government announced that it would resume direct contacts with UNITA opposition party MPLA.The following month, UNITA officially recognized José Eduardo dos Santos as head of State.The fall of the Soviet Union, which supported the MPLA, accelerated the process of democratization in Angola and in May 1991 the government published a law authorizing the creation of new parties, putting an end to single party.
Since it began the pacification of Angola that the development indices of this country have been increasing.Peace brought to Angola the conditions that allow you currently have regional power status in Southern Africa.
March 5, 2016 at 6:32 pm #774‘I will tell you of a land, now without war’, sings Matias Damásio.The culture of Angola merges with the history of the country.Music is one of the largest domestic and Semba Kizomba to the innovation that the sounds of kuduro brought to the Angolan night, make this area one of the symbols of Angola.
While the drums were elaborate for music and mixed with new sounds that warm evening in Luanda, Huambo and Cabinda, in the lyrics of Pepetela, they are also described.Fruit also of miscegenation of different ethnic, the Angolan culture walks these days hand in hand with tradition and globalization.
If you pass by the country’s museums will find craft built with the domestic wood now in the form of figurines, masks and musical instruments.Fairs will want to take pictures and recall the oil and sand paintings.In Luanda to lose by one of the art galleries will fix the eye in photographs of Paulino Damião or in parts of the artist Lino Damião.
Dance is certain presence in the streets of Angola.It is more than cultural.It’s in the blood.It’s in the blood the parties late and the good disposition.It is early on that the Angolans ‘pack’ the sounds of the earth.In Carvanal, the party invades the Avenue in Luanda or Benguela and all provinces there is a wave of color in the form of floats.
joyful and beautiful people people.Angola is known to be a country with very beautiful women, so much so that in 2011, Leila Lopes took home the title of Miss Universe for the first time.
From the interior to the coast, there are those who speak in Kimbundu, Kikongo and Umbundu, although the official language is Portuguese, although there are more than 42 dialects.
2.417.78 square kilometers
dry tropical
Bengo, Kwanza
Telephone code:
national language:
Points of interest:Bay Mussulo
Viewpoint of the Moon
Luanda Island
Mouth of the Kwanza River
Natural History Museum
National Slavery Museum
Beaches: Hole Palmeirinhas, Cacuaco and Santiago
See Luanda
National Library of Angola