Congo RDC Congolese Today Congolese expects a new management of governors

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    congoThe courts of appeal that have been seized by the governors of the 21 candidates dismembered provinces come to make their stops.The final list of candidates will likely be made public during the weekend by the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI).After this step, the successful candidates will have to appear before MLAs to convince them to pull their voices.

    At this level of electoral competition, we must certainly count on the political alliances of the speeches do not go much interest these electors.These, as we know, have nothing to gain as their mandate of 2006 is widely exceeded.Moreover, some of them even changed political parties that had lined up in the provincial 2006. What is important for them now is to win some cash in order to make a reservation forlean years ahead.
    However, this political reality should not listen substantive debate which must engage the candidates.Although these elections are happening at the secondary level, they are interested in the highest degree the people who will administer these future governors.These people have an interest in knowing what their future authorities want to make the entities they want to lead.
    Traditionally, the provincial executives take the pretext of scarcity of funds made available by the central government to justify their under-performance.But, despite this, it usually arises one of these modest funds management problem may be.We want to show the state of the treasury of the Kwilu province that sounded quite hollow to the arrival of the current management team in power.The Special Commissioner and his deputies have had tears in their eyes when the outgoing cabinet members and MLAs did the sit-in in front of the govern-orate to demand their wages.No doubt this situation was experienced in other provinces.How can they justify the starters this situation while at least monthly Kinshasa transferring salaries which are a spending priority?This is not the central government bears the blame in this case.
    If MPs can find a pretext to justify their under-performance because they no longer had the heart to work because of their illegitimacy, governors of provinces who will be elected on March 26 have noarguments to present their mandates if proved catastrophic.Wisdom demands that they make every effort to meet so slightly the expectations of their citizens as their mandate may be short, future provincial elections can take place in the coming months.They better if they want to survive politically after this transitional phase at the territorial, to leave a more than satisfactory.
    To return to the actual elections of March 26, we can predict without fear of contradiction that all tickets presented by the Presidential Majority are likely to snatch all positions.We do not see how some candidates of the Opposition and those called independent can stand up against those of the PPRD and allies.Logically, the best approach for the candidates of the first category is throwing in the towel to avoid ridicule.The political parties that were pragmatic did not dare to align their candidates are sure to do poorly in this electoral competition.
    In any event, it is necessary that all those who will lead the 26 provinces of the country do shows competence and patriotism not to tarnish the image of their political family to approach future general elections, their failure to serveof about election political opponents.


    By the end of the evening of Saturday, March 12, 2016, a new page has been turned.The 21 new provinces from the territorial division in accordance with the Constitution, have been provided with final Offices of their respective Provincial Assemblies.There have been voting throughout.And the least we can say is that candidates have claimed several political parties, as well as the Presidential Majority of the Opposition.Not to mention those who, for the occasion, were displayed “independent.”

    The diversity of candidates and multiplicity of political parties guaranteed demonstrated progress in consolidating the democratic process in the aptly named Democratic Republic of Congo.They competed for one or all of punctures following: President, Vice-President, Rapporteur and Assistant Rapporteur Quaestor.

    The statement made no doubt that the strategy implemented by the Presidential Majority has paid off by winning 19 posts of President of the 21 in contention;and ending up majority in the constitution of almost all final Offices Provincial Assemblies.

    Here are the detailed results.

    Provincial Assembly of Bas-Uélé

    President Eddy Pascal SINANGO NGBAKOLI PPRD
    Vice – President Gilbert Mokoto AMANGALA KATO MLC
    Rapporteur Alfred MOGWE MAIKABWADI AFDC
    Deputy Rapporteur Mrs Godelieve ANINA MAKWA CDC
    Quaestor Annie DRANDU ATABUNA Independent

     ÂProvincial Assembly of Ecuador

    President LOFANDJE ISANGIA Kulube Independent (ADH)
    Vice – President Jonas Benjamin ITONGI Mapala LIBOKIAKA RCD
    Rapporteur Germain NKUMU Beleli MLC
    Deputy Rapporteur Willy Bokonga Ndele MLC
    Quaestor Dieudonné ISSIA BOLEKELA MLC

     ÂProvincial Assembly of Haut Katanga

    President Mwelwa Nsambi WA KASONGO PPRD
    Vice – Chairman Freddy MAJENDE BIN KAMFWA PPRD
    Rapporteur Aerts Joseph KAYUMBA ODAPR
    Deputy Rapporteur Mrs. Leopoldina SALILA nkonde Independent
    Quaestor René KABONGO Ndaya Independent

    ÂProvincial Assembly of Upper Lomami

    President MASANGU BONDO Kamwanga PPRD
    Vice – President Martin LUHWEKA Mataka MSR / MP
    Rapporteur Norbert MULONGO Mwepu PPRD
    Deputy Rapporteur Basile Muleba TSHINWISHI UNAFEC
    Quaestor Boniface KAYUMBA WA KAYUMBA Independent

     ÂProvincial Assembly of Haut-Uélé

    President EBUNZE MAGADI Ishmael MSR
    Vice – President SAMAKI ANIDUTINI ECT
    Rapporteur Raphael Ngoma GBOTALA PPRD
    Deputy Rapporteur Ms Elysée MAGO ONZINGO CCU
    Quaestor Jean BUNGA AGOZADRI RCD

    ÂProvincial Assembly of Ituri

    President Joseph Udaga JOZOO CORA CODCO
    Vice – President ADJIO GIDI PPRD
    Rapporteur Ferdinand NGBADHEGO GOBBA PPRD
    Deputy Rapporteur Jeannine DITSOVE KABYAHURA Independent
    Quaestor Floribert KATANABO LYAGABO PPRD

    ÂProvincial Assembly of the Kasai

    President Francois Madila Mubiayi Kalamba KABUADI PPRD
    Vice – President Jean -Marie Kapinga TSHISHENGA PPRD
    Rapporteur David Mpongo MUMBAMBARA PPRD
    Deputy Rapporteur Ms. Noella SIKA MBOYO PPRD
    Quaestor Roger SANGA Mashalá PPRD

    ÂProvincial Assembly of the Kasai Central

    President Augustin KAMWITU LUBAJ PPRD
    Vice – President Mukenge Masanka ULDC
    Deputy MWIPATAYI KABUNDI PPRD Rapporteur

    Provincial Assembly of Kasai Oriental

    Chairman Marcel KALALA MUTOMBO Shambuyi PPRD
    Vice – President Alexander Biaya Mutoka AFDC
    Rapporteur Faustin Tshibaka mulungu AJDS
    Deputy Rapporteur Ms. Bliss Ngalula TSHIBETA ACDD
    Quaestor MWENDELE KATWAMBI LUKUSA Customary Chief

    Provincial Assembly of Kwango

    President Francois Mwambu IFULU CRD
    Vice – President Léopold KANGULUMBA Kakoma MLC
    Rapporteur Wenslens MULENGA OPALA CODELI
    Deputy Rapporteur Gaston KABAKA YALA CRD
    Quaestor Hedrezy Kapata NAWEJ TSHISUNZ ARC

    ÂProvincial Assembly of Kwilu

    Chairman Willy ITSUNDALA Asang PPRD
    Vice – President Kasende Mundeke MLC
    Rapporteur Urban KIHOSA MANENGA ARC
    Deputy Rapporteur Marie-Jeanne Ibela MUKARI PAY UCC

     ÂProvincial Assembly of the Lomami

    President Patrick BALUBA Loji UFL
    Vice – President Edouard MULUMBA MUDIANDAMBU PPRD
    Rapporteur Dominique MBUYI Tshikala MCC
    Deputy Rapporteur Joseph Kabobo Bilolo NGANDU ACDD
    Quaestor Ms. Bliss Kabedi KAZADI PPRD

    ÂProvincial Assembly of Lualaba

    President Louis KAMWENYI THUMBU PPRD
    Vice – President Germain KANAHU Kayombo MCR
    Rapporteur Robert TSHIPUND Mbako UNADEF
    Deputy Rapporteur Christian MUSHIDI NTAMBWE RSF
    Quaestor Louise ILUNGA MWELESHI PPRD

    ÂProvincial Assembly of Mai-Ndombe

    President Jean-Bosco BOLALWETE Belanga UPCO
    Vice – President Guy MUSOMO MSR
    Rapporteur Bernardin NGYA BOBISAMBO PPRD
    Deputy BAKETE Nkoma BUREC Rapporteur
    Quaestor Célestin BIKOTA Kasanji PPRD

     ÂProvincial Assembly Mongala

    President Welcome Octave MOYENGO ASABO ​​MLC
    Vice – President Aimé Motingea ELIMU MSR
    Rapporteur Oscar LINGONGO MAMBUMBA MLC
    Deputy Rapporteur Jean-Maurice MAFILI MASONGI fimbo LIK PDC
    Quaestor Jackson Ngani NGEPA MLC

    ÂProvincial Assembly of North Ubangi

    Vice – President Donatien NIPELE MOLOBO MLC
    Rapporteur Apollinaire NDANGA BIKIBO MLC
    Deputy Gabriel Alves SIKO PPRD Rapporteur
    Quaestor Roger BANGABIA MLC

    ÂProvincial Assembly of Sankuru

    President Charles Pondo Dimandja PPRD
    Vice – President Joseph TSHOYI FUMBE Independent
    Rapporteur Martin Shongo Emongo FONUS
    Deputy Rapporteur Benjamin EPENGE PPRD
    Quaestor Bernard OSANGO eMamba LDC

     ÂProvincial Assembly of Sud-Ubangi District

    President Gotran IBAMBE Demodetdo PPRD
    Vice – President ALENGE NAGALI MLC
    Rapporteur MASIMO MOKESA MLC
    Deputy Rapporteur Ngay BWAZU MLC
    Quaestor Kongo MBELEDANE PDC

    Assembly provincviale Tanganyika

    President Benoit Mbayo YAHENGA PPRD
    Vice – President Leon MULUMBA MASUDI PPRD
    Rapporteur Faustin Mukaya BANZA WA NUMBI PPRD
    Deputy Kakudji BANZA PPRD Rapporteur
    Quaestor January Mpete Mulaya RSF

    ÂProvincial Assembly of Tshopo

    President Joel BAFANDU YAWELI AFDC
    Vice – President Senghor AGBODU DIFUDU PDC
    Rapporteur James ILOKA NGANDI PPRD
    Deputy Rapporteur Sun MOSINDO Ngazi PPRD
    Quaestor Etienne Masanga KISIGAY ARC

       ÂProvincial Assembly of the Tshuapa

    President Jean-Marcel LOSONGO BONGOMBOLO MLC
    Vice – President John BONYEMA LOMBOTO UDEMO
    Rapporteur Richard MBOYO ILUKA ACO
    Deputy Rapporteur Adrien MATELA ETHEE AFDC
    Quaestor Executioner Ekofo MBOYO PDC



    Bongongo Michel, Minister of State and Minister for the Budget set yesterday Wednesday, March 9 Okapi in the room of the Venus Hotel in the opening session of the Workshop on the banking premium of retrocession trim services.It was noted at the podium, the presence of the Deputy Ministers of Finance, the Budget and the Chair of the Monitoring Committee of the paying agents and state officials;Jean-Louis Kayembe wa Kayembe.
    Jean-Louis Kayembe wa Kayembe, launched in 2011, the process of banking has produced results.He expressed his firm belief that at the end of this workshop with the reforms that will result in the banking will reach maturity.Meanwhile, this process allowed the banking of 898,000 agents and officials representing 76% of the workforce.
    Jean-Louis Kayembe wa Kayembe, banking services, beyond the effective component, also helped improve the banking rate, the reduction of the outstanding Notes and especially access to credit.Clearly, the banking says Jean-Louis Kayembe wa Kayembe had undeniable micro and macroeconomic implications.Also as part of the improvement, a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed between the government and the ACB.
    By organizing this workshop, the government now wants to open bank accounts the terms of the retrocession premium to trim services.It will issue, say J.L Kayembe wa Kayembe diagnose the current experience and hear the unions while recalling the texts.Eventually, tracks realistic, fair and non-confrontational adopted.This matrix will be submitted to the authorities, sponsors of this workshop concluded Jean-Louis Kayembe wa Kayembe.
    Speaking second, the Minister of Finance incapacitated, the Vice Minister of Finance Albert Mpetshi, instead of banking compensation in the context of the revolution of modernization promoted by the head of state.
    The banking helped stop some ailments including theft, embezzlement he says.In the present situation of the national economy with the steady decline in revenues from extractive industries, the government has to be innovative, framing revenue so as to make the best use suggested the vice-Minister.One strategy to achieve this is among others, the motivation of officials and agents of trim services to raise the level of mobilization and strengthen cash flow.
    To the Deputy minisre, this workshop will discuss the key.That’s why he invited the Secretaries General and serving dishes to work seamlessly.The Deputy Minister acknowledged that several people had made a reservation at the launch of banking, he thinks he will be also the case for the retrocession premium challenging.That is why he asked the participants, considering the results achieved so far, the vastness of the country that they bring appropriate solutions including the features of the premium and thus achieve, at best delay in their implementation ofhere in April, 2016.
    Message from the Minister of State
    Michel Bongongo, Venus of the foundation will be one of the last to lead to the completion of the banking process launched in 2011. He expressed his gratitude to the leaders of banking;greet the quality of work of all stakeholders (ACB), Monitoring Committee, unions etc.) before asking to maintain the same commitment that goes through the banking premium of retrocession trim services.
    This process launched in 2011 has seen an initial assessment in March 2015. It has introduced new measures that have accelerated the process.Today, banked numbers increased from 669,000 to 683,812 in late December or nearly 76%.Thanks to the following: creation of the single file and migration of the IT system, banking services for pensioners, inactive FARDC, veterans etc.This has led to savings of around 546 million CF form of balance to use for the second quarter 2015, the progressive consolidation and banking specific bonuses etc ..
    Finally, he said that the banking concerns all, compensation (bonus and other benefits and cash).Before closing, he asked the participants to exercise options on the scale, the practical arrangements and criteria.

    Philippe Mbayi Wete


    In 2006, Joseph Kabila, President of the Republic and Head of State signed a decree approving certain private higher institutions and universities.It is unfortunately in spite of this act by the Head of State as part of its prerogatives, some bars including the Matete ignore, closing the door to nationals of some private higher institutions and universities.This is what is called challenge the head of state.

    The observation made regarding the operation of the bars of Kinshasa could not be more bitter.To recruit lawyers in either bar, the procedure is to be first a competition after submitting applications.The successful candidates in the contest are the ones who will be allowed to take the oath to be attached to the bar in question.But, the fact finding is that for some years now, the bars of Kinshasa not want candidates from some private higher institutions and universities whose Cardinal Malula University, University of Cepromad …

    Candidates who complain feel that their files are discarded at grading.They wonder how the leaders of the bars may not be accurate at the time of the statement calling the contest.They leave many people submit their applications, this deposit is done on payment of a sum of money.It is, say the applicants, a well organized scam.

    Also, the opinion asks about the reason that pushes the bars to reject the nationals of these aforementioned institutions.Do they think they have not sufficiently exploited the subjects of the curriculum?Would they found incompetent nationals of these institutions already operating in bars?There can be no question as they say “comparison is not reason”.Although one can recognize that these institutions which issue here the materials are not sufficiently exploited, there is no way to conclude that any incumbent of these institutions is poor and any other that would come out of non institutions concerned here is valid.

    Focus on merit

    Regarding the selection of lawyers candidates, as is done with regard to the recruitment of judges, it would be desirable to favor merit.And the merit is not in relation to appearances, but first with the support and then in practice the art for candidates who have taken the oath.

    This chapter has already experienced candidates from famous institutions but which proved mediocre in the field, and conversely, those who left second class schools are illustrated.Given all the above, it is hoped that policy makers at the bars out of prejudice and accept all applicants who met the requirements, except of course that relating to the institution from.Finally, why should they say no there or the head of state said yes?

    We trust that the leaders of the bars will rectify and will not have to close their doors to citizens of private institutions susévoquées.


    The news reaching us from Luanda, the capital of the Republic of Angola, are not good, especially since they show an epidemic raging there.It is yellow fever.This pathology, we learn of sources, safe do not give much chance to the victims before death ensues.

    Our sources contacted on site did not give us exactly all information, including the duration of the disease in Luanda and the number of victims already registered so far.

    However, we were able to realize, in Kinshasa, the damage caused by this disease, compared to the number of funerals held here and there, in Kinshasa in families whose members have died in Luanda, following the yellow fever.

    Recently, Radio Top Congo, relayed this information, indicating that subjects with this disease have been detected, including one from Noki, an Angolan town near the city of Matadi.This patient would come to care for the Kinkanda Reference General Hospital.While the other victim was recorded Songololo, a territory of frontier Kongo Central with Angola.

    As we returned, the Kongo Central Zone chief physician would have taken necessary measures in order to protect this space.But more important to do, we hope, would be to have emergency health teams at the different border posts separating us from the neighboring country in order to carry out systematic controls and, if necessary, carry out vaccinations,to prevent the spread of this disease on Congolese territory, starting with the Kongo Central where suspected cases have already been detected.

    Unsafe main cause of this disease

    According to the feedback we have collected from Luanda, the main cause of this disease is linked to unhealthy glaring that reign in some parts of the city including the suburbs where you can see piles of garbage, thepopulations sides.Those who refuse to become the long houses of flies, mosquitoes and other critters agents vectors of every disease.And this gets worse during the rainy season, during which, people have serious public health problems.

    This situation contrasts, however, with the upper town where everything breathes well-being, our sources reported.

    But what is yellow fever?

    According to the medical dictionary for tropical regions, written by Bernard and Pierre Géneviève, yellow fever is defined as an infectious disease, endemic and acute epidermal, due to a virus.Admiral virus transmitted by the bite of a mosquito Aedes genus.This fever is characterized in its severe form two phases of high fever separated by a period of decreasing temperature called red phase.The latter remark by headache, back pain, vomiting, facial congestion and albuminuria conjunction.While the yellow phase is characterized by albuminuria, jaundice, purpura, melena, hematuria and black blood vomiting.There are several benign forms but overall, the disease causes significant mortality.It is effectively prevented by the yellow fever vaccine (Editor’s note our apologies for these technical terms).

    But whatever may be said, a potential danger is at our door, it is therefore necessary that practical steps be taken before this epidemic crosses our territory, especially when it is necessary to imagine the scale of the trafficbetween the people of these two neighboring countries which, in this case, it is practically out of the question to consider the closure of borders, given the centuries-old ties between the people of these two neighboring countries.