The time has come largely for the Congolese to take the measure of this real danger which threatens the very existence of the Congo DRC because it becomes more and more clear today that the balkanisation wishes of this country, denounced in its time by Patrice-Emery Lumumba have never stopped. Since 1960, in spite of the change in the leaders of the Congolese institutions, the same assaults are repeatedly observed by the same actors beyond the generations.

Balkanisation of Congo



Ladies and gentlemen of the press,

In recent months, the DRC, in general, and its institutions, in particular, have been the object of an avalanche of bitter-sweet and even hateful remarks on the part of certain lobbies and some foreign actors who, Openly display their hostility towards the said institutions, no longer hesitate in the least to instrumentalise international and regional organisations and even the justice of certain countries to stick an image of pariah. Conducted by Belgium, which still does not manage to mourn the decolonisation of the economic structures of its former colony-lighthouse and which never ceases to claim itself as the eternal owner of our country,

In addition, rumours, poisoning campaigns and increasingly cruder pressures have been added recently, the work of a few followers of chaos, if not the disappearance of the DRC in favour of their particular interests.

Thus, after the unilateral sanctions against several Congolese political and military personalities, these pharmacies have now come to imagine virtual incrimination not only on social networks, but also in traditional media having a place to condemn without any form of Procedure of the patriots put to the index with the sole aim of harming their reputation and thus aggravating the fragility of the Congolese State that they serve.

The latest rumour that has gone into the chronicle has referred to a purely imaginary interpellation of the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Alexis Thambwe Mwamba whose malicious commentators have allowed themselves to announce the embalming In Brussels while on a visit to Geneva, on his way to an official mission to Geneva, Switzerland, where he was expected to deliver a message and the official position of the Government to the Human Rights Council of The United Nations; A message related to the grave events that have plunged the DRC in general and two of the five new provinces that emerged from the great Kasai in particular and which are also the object of the publication of a White Paper.

Ladies and gentlemen of the press,

Before giving you the substance of this White Paper which is being presented to the members of the UN Human Rights Council by a government delegation led by the Minister of State, Justice and Keeper of the Seals, including the Minister for Human Rights, I would first like to echo the indignation of our Government and the misunderstanding of many patriots in this country who are astonished to see that There are Congolese to applaud and congratulate those who strive to reduce the self-determination of their own people and to systematically vilify those accused of a single wrong: the defence of the DRC and its National Interests.

This is an opportunity to remind everyone that patriotism is not a conspiracy against anyone, nor a mechanism intended to exert any sort of vengeance on anything. It is simply this sacred duty to permanently claim, defend and protect the National Interests and the sovereignty of the country of which one is a citizen. It is a right enshrined in the relevant provisions of the UN Charter, in articles 2, paragraph 1 st and 4, reaffirm, in turn, the principle of the sovereign equality of all Member-States and stipulate that The said Members of the United Nations shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, Or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. The support Member States can voluntarily give to a Member State in the framework of the principle of solidarity and complementary must not turn into a politico-judicial circus which leads the first cities to want to replace squarely Or to submit it to their own interests in reminiscence of a past imperial or colonial past.

Some chroniclers oppose us with unpleasant facts amongst us, who, according to them, would be “more eloquent than diplomats.” We know from experience that no matter what the gravity of the problems that beset us, none of the foreign diplomats who are agitating to impose or impose their solutions on our problems can love the Congo more than the Congolese. After suffering the martyrdom of slavery and colonialism following the outflow of governance, Africa is today plagued by a much more vicious scourge that is the result of chaos caused by interference and false solutions from ‘elsewhere. The prosperous Libya of Colonel Gaddafi, Mali, Central Africa, Somalia,

From the foregoing, every patriot has an obligation to oppose the right of a European country, always the same, to interfere in a ridiculously aggressive manner in the internal affairs of the DRC, Even to the extent that the political functioning of its political institutions could be governed at will.

But the worst is elsewhere. Indeed, whereas the Belgian Congo has left the place since June 30, 1960 to an independent and sovereign state, that Congolese trivialise such events and let them slip on the carapace of their petty-bourgeois ambitions or simply indifference , This poses a serious problem and raises serious concerns about the survival of the Congolese nation. While black Masses gather nostalgic and neocolonialists away from the banks of the Congo River around the fate of their country, these Congolese, who are recruited mainly among the social and political elites, In the search for prebends among those who can not believe or pretend to be more or less significant actors on the international stage than by projecting a pseudo-expertise of the affairs of the DRC when they are not At the neck in political quarrels and in a frantic race at the posts when a real danger weighs on the very existence of the land of their ancestors. The only concern is the participation in the political banquet and the wedding of a certain situationist ton-tine.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The time has come largely for the Congolese to take the measure of this real danger which threatens the very existence of the DRC because it becomes more and more clear today that the balkanisation wishes of this country, denounced in its time by Patrice-Emery Lumumba have never stopped. Since 1960, in spite of the change in the leaders of the Congolese institutions, the same assaults are repeatedly observed by the same actors beyond the generations.

Let us now turn to the White Paper of the Government which is being presented today at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. It is a co-production of the Ministries of Interior and Security, Justice and Keeper of the Seals and Human Rights, and is entitled ” Elements of information related to the phenomenon Kamuina Nsapu “.

This compilation, which is in its first volume, is a synthesis of the vicissitudes that led to the tragic events known as the phenomenon Kamuina Nsapu, a phenomenon that some have wished to consider as a “simple political manifestation” until the terrible drama Of the assassination in particularly atrocious conditions of two United Nations experts, one of whom was simply beheaded.

Subdivided into nine chapters, this document examines the various aspects of this phenomenon, from the location of the rural group Kamuina Nsapu in the Dibataïe area in the territory of Dibaya to Kasaï-Central, the identity and administrative situation of the individual who To the political and institutional remedies provided by the Government when things got worse, both endogenous and exogenous, not to mention the terrorist nature of the modus operandi as well as the human, economic and socio- Cultural characteristics of the phenomenon.

The aim of this White Paper, aimed at both national and international opinion, is to re-establish the truth about the dramatic events that have plunged the DRC and particularly the Provinces of Kasai Central and Kasai and On the other hand, to do justice to all the victims of this unprecedented barbarism in our country. Beyond that, it is a question of reaffirming both the sovereignty of the DRC and the will of the Congolese state to prosecute and judge all the actors, whatever they are, of the alleged crimes related to this phenomenon through Transparent, impartial and credible investigations conducted by the Congolese judicial authorities with the collaboration or support of all good wills within the country or abroad,

In plain language, and as it is written in the White Paper, the Democratic Republic of Congo appreciates the United Nations’ offer of collaboration in the fight against serious human rights violations in the Kasai provinces, but it is not Not willing to accept the idea of ​​the deployment on its territory of an international commission of inquiry which would work in isolation and parallel to the national judicial bodies as if it had become a null State. In this regard, only the road map proposed by the Government since 24 May 2017 remains the basis for discussions on the much-desired collaboration with MONUSCO and the UNJHRO despite the reluctance expressed by the United Nations High Commissioner Human Rights,

With regard to the actions undertaken by the Congolese State and its institutions to settle this conflict and restore state authority in the disturbed areas of the Kasai area, it should be recalled that in addition to the Judicial investigations, the Head of State decided to establish a military operational zone in Kananga in March 2017. Among other things, this initiative has helped curb the spread of terrorist groups that have spread in this region. Concomitantly, negotiations were conducted by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior and Security. They have led to political, administrative and social measures including: the effective surrender of the remains of the late Chief Kamuina Nsapu, The initiator of the phenomenon that died during clashes with the forces of order to his biological family; The designation and installation of his successor; The surrender of a large number of terrorists and the recovery of weapons of war thanks in particular to the involvement of religious denominations and the reconstruction of villages.

In conclusion, contrary to the assertion of bad languages ​​used to ‘Congo bashing’, the White Paper published today in Geneva provides evidence that the Congolese authorities have not deviated from their regal missions to work for the recovery of Security in Kasai, to contribute to the manifestation of the truth about these unspeakable and humanly unacceptable atrocities so that justice can be given to all the victims of the terrorist enterprise that was triggered there.

Under other skies, terrorist intrigues are treated much more disproportionately than has been the case in our country. The indignation with variable geometry and the commiseration of certain members of the international community in the face of the barbarism of the Kasai must not overshadow the suffering of the first victims who are the Congolese people and the democratic institutions of the DRC. There is no need, then, to terrorise the Congolese state and the leaders of its institutions by clapping their fists on the table as I have read them in some of your deliveries by trying to convict him of a criminal enterprise of which he is one First victims.

I take advantage of this opportunity to reassure the populations of Greater North Kivu concerned about the resurgence of boot sounds. The vigilance of the population and the solidarity with the forces of order which have already helped to overcome the M23 are indispensable to stop any desire for the resurgence of a new destabilising adventure on the part of the enemies of the peace . Let our compatriots be reassured that the Government and the FARDC will always be at their side until the rapid and definitive recovery of peace.

Thank you.


Minister of Communication and Media

Government Spokesperson