The appointment of the next Prime Minister and all members of the Government is just a matter of a few days. This was announced Tuesday, April 23, by the Head of State, Felix Tshisekedi, in Kisangani, capital of the province of Tshopo, where he was staying as part of his tour in the Congo interior. However, in front of the multitude of boyomaises and boyomais who listened to him at the Place de la Poste where he mad his address. President Tshisekedi Tshilombo still reserved the right to reveal, not only the name of the lucky elected, but also his profile. However, this announcement of the First Citizen of DR Congo, suggests that there will no longer be an appointment of a trainer of the government team- but above all, the appointment of the entire Government directly. That is to say, the Prime Minister and all the other heads of the government apparatus.

Felix Tshisekedi
Also, it should be noted that this news comes after the meeting, Monday, April 22, between the current Head of State and former President Joseph Kabila. The meeting, according to reliable sources, was mainly focused on the questions concerning the appointment of the successor of Bruno Tshibala, the distribution of various positions in the Government as well as the completion of a real agreement between the coalition FCC and CACH.

Felix Tshisekedi

In addition, the fifth Congolese Head of State, inaugurated Lubuya Bridge in Kisangani City in the wake of his arrival, he informed the population that his Government will tackle other issues that hinder the development of DR Congo. In this perspective, he has specifically stated that tribalism can not be part of the code that bind Congolese. At the same time, he underlined that the choice of everyone will be respected so that no one will be arrested since he would have issued an opinion contrary to that of an authority.